No Voodoo Zone

| Sunday, March 18, 2012 | |
No Voodoo Zone Image
Yesterday I felt bad because I failed to give all the single gals a heads up about the Feast of St. Agnes. Today I feel bad because I talked about the whole thing.

One of my readers was concerned that the separated brethren, who already have enough fodder (in their minds) to think that Catholics are a bunch of wackos, will point to the egg eating magic dream eve of St. Agnes and say, "I told you so!"

I think my reader makes a very good point. By the time you've picked up a garter belt and traveled to another town and are singing your way through sewing your right stocking onto your left garter belt, we, over here at Catholicism, are looking a little foolish.

That's not good. The Catholic Church is not foolish.

So let me ease your mind a bit.

To begin with let's mind our own garden and not worry too much about what the separated brethren are doing over there in separate land. So what if they have a problem with fasting all day and eating a salty egg before bedtime to dream of your intended? They have a problem with the Blessed Mother and Transubstantiation, too! Go ahead and enjoy your egg. You're probably starving after fasting all day.

Furthermore, let's make a clear distinction between faith and superstition.

When you have a little statue of the Infant of Prague in your home, and you honor the lessons of the Child Jesus and how He was cared for from birth in His home with His family and then you pray for financial stability (stability being the operative word here, we're not talking about lottery jackpots or a heavy payout from the Colts beating the Patriots), that's faith.

When you stick a statue of the Infant of Prague up on your refrigerator amongst the cereal boxes and vitamins and that bottle of Metamucil because your old Aunt Theresy told you if you have a statue of the Infant of Prague in your house you will never want financially, that's superstition.

Get the difference?

So I don't have a problem with someone praying for the intercession of St. Agnes while they fast all day. I hope that girl is thinking about what kind of man she really needs...a good Catholic one...and what marriage is really all about....raising Catholic children...while she fasts all day. I would hope that by the time she bites into that egg she will really have thought things through.

Dreams aren't superstitions. Ask St. Joseph. The Holy Family would never had made it out of Bethlehem if not for his dreams.

Poor St. Joseph, the wacko.

Maybe, the travel/stocking method is a bit much....but really, if it all causes you to extend your thinking while you shop and travel and sing and sew...all the better. No wonder you get a kiss to boot!

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The Terrifying Murderous Cult Of The Leopard Men

| Saturday, March 17, 2012 | |

The Terrifying Murderous Cult Of The Leopard Men Image
Yesterday, I blogged about a nefarious juju man currently operating in London called The Leopard Man. Below is a section from my book HUMAN SACRIFICE covering the history of the "Human Leopard Society" of Sierra Leone.



One of the earliest underground killing cults to be documented became known as the Human Leopard Society of Sierra Leone, on the west coast of Africa. The cult focused on the creation of medicines made out of human entrails. As long ago as 1607, a visitor to the region wrote of fierce, man-eating tribes who lived in the interior of the country and dressed as leopards.

In 1807, coastal Sierra Leone became a British colony, but the leopard societies were so secretive that the authorities didn't get wind of them until 1891. A bill was quickly drafted outlawing the society. It stated: "Many murders have been committed by men so dressed to resemble leopards and armed with a three-pronged knife commonly known as a leopard knife."

The bill made it a crime to possess a leopard skin shaped to resemble a leopard, a three-pronged knife and an unusual native medicine known as "Borfima". The police were given powers to search for such items without a warrant. The chiefs of the inland tribes were subject to harsh penalties if they failed to report Leopard Society activities. But the human leopards were not intimidated by the might of Britain. In fact it turned out they'd got allies: in 1902 a Human Alligator Society was uncovered, which worked in parallel with the leopards. An extra prohibition was duly added to the bill, outlawing the wearing of alligator skins shaped to resemble the reptiles.

By 1903 it became clear that many chiefs in the region were involved in the cults. In the resulting crackdown, four hundred tribal people were arrested, some highly placed, but few were brought to trial due to lack of evidence. As a result, more legislation and prohibitions were brought in. A special court of three European judges was also put in place to try offenders. Armed with these extra measures the government succeeded in bringing the activities of the Leopard societies to a virtual halt within a few years. By 1912, seventeen cases had come before the court: 187 people were charged with murder, of whom 87 were given the death sentence.

But why did the human leopards kill?

Well the answer partly lay in Borfima. The ingredients needed to make this native medicine, which was typically kept in a tight leather pouch, included the white of an egg, the blood of a cock and a few grains of rice. But the key elements were human fat and blood - which could only be obtained by murderous ritual. Borfima was considered very powerful medicine; it could bring power and riches, but could also be used as a protective charm for anyone unlucky enough to be hauled before the British court, with its alien notions of justice.

Leopard societies were selective about who they killed to extract the fat and blood needed for making Borfima. The victim had to be a freeborn girl (not a slave or captive) and over fourteen-years-old. Ideally the girl would be the eldest child of the family who provided her. In later years, a man or boy was considered acceptable, but a girl was still the preferred choice. Making the native medicine also took center stage during the long and complicated initiation into the Human Leopard Society. Chillingly, the would be initiate had to produce a sacrificial victim from his own or his wife's family.

Once a victim had been chosen, the human leopards hit the forest and marauded throughout the night, imitating the roar of their totem beast. At a specified time, the victim was made to walk along a special forest track. Leopard men kept watch on both sides of the track for the girl's approach, hiding behind the dense walls of creepers that thrive in the humid jungles of Sierra Leone. After the victim passed the watching leopard men, the silence would suddenly be shattered by a deep-throated growl. Then the leopard man who had been designated executioner would leap out of the undergrowth and - with a lightning strike - would tear out the girl's throat.

His companions would then carry the girl off into the depths of the undergrowth, where her head would be hacked off and the liver, heart and entrails torn out. Once the leopard men had carefully examined the liver for signs that the body would make an effective Borfima, the corpse was divided into four quarters. These were then carved up and wrapped in banana leaves and handed out to each of the leopard men. Lastly, the girl's face would be cut away so that her remains would not be recognized.

This was the most common form of the ritual. But it differed from area to area. In one particularly grisly ceremony, the girl was not killed straight away, but forced to sit under a tree. The tribal chief who led the sacrifice, which was intended to bring good fortune to the tribe, would then sit astride her shoulders. Those present all laid a hand on the chief or the victim to make a psychic connection. After this the chief prayed that good medicine should come from the offering and slashed the victim's throat. Her body was then cut open and the other participants tore out the intestines.

Victims sometimes survived the ordeal; but alive or dead, she would be taken to a platform outside the chief's hut and left there tied to a post. The following morning the body would be taken back to the jungle to be cut up. The chief received the hands and feet, and a small portion of the flesh was given to the mother and father of the victim.

"Taken from Human Sacrifice by Jimmy Lee Shreeve (AKA Doktor Snake)"

Suggested reading (pdf e-books):
Aleister Crowley - Stepping Out Of The Old Aeon Into The New
Austin Osman Spare - The Sorceries Of Zos From Cults Of The Shadow

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