1. Step 1
Decide what sort of doll you'd like to make. What purpose will it serve? This decision will influence your choice of materials. Dolls have been made of corn husks, paper, tree branches, clay and cloth, to name just a few materials. Try to select material that has some relevance to the doll's intended function. You cannot mess this up. Whatever you choose will be the right thing.
2. Step 2
Make the skeleton. Generally made from wood such as branches, pencils or dowel rods, two pieces of material are bound together with twine, string or thread to form a cross. Natural material is preferable, but use what you have. This will be the body of the doll. Decide which stick represents the head and feet, and which represents the arms.
3. Step 3
Cover the skeleton with some type of stuffing, be it cotton batting, feathers, shredded cloth, paper, moss or raffia.
4. Step 4
Cut a piece of fabric large enough to cover the doll completely, and drape it across the stuffing. The color of the cloth should reflect the purpose of the doll. If you're making a love doll, dress it in red, as red attracts love and passion. Yellow brings about success. Green is used for money and good luck. Black makes your enemies go away. Brown will bring you good luck in court. White stands for protection and peace. Natural fibers (such as hemp or muslin) bring about general good fortune. If you're trying to hex someone, try to use a piece of their clothing.
5. Step 5
Wrap the material around the doll. Use twine or ribbons to create a torso, head, arms and feet. Draw on the face.
6. Step 6
Embellish the doll with ornaments and decorations that directly relate to its purpose. Popular decorations include feathers, glitter, jewelry and buttons. For example, a good-luck money doll, dressed in green (of course), could have a coin for a head or money attached to the body. Or you could draw dollar signs on the fabric. A love doll should have a heart sewn or drawn on the chest. If the doll represents a specific person, you can use beads and yarn to create a face. Be sure to call it by the name of the person it is supposed to represent.
7. Step 7
Baptize your doll. If the doll is to be used to hex someone, it is common practice to baptize it prior to use. Say the following while dunking your doll under water, "I baptize you, (name of the doll), in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
Remove the doll from the water and complete the ritual by saying, "In life, you are now that who I wish you to be. All that is done to you will happen to (name of the doll) in the world as I command it. I now control the desires, dreams and ultimate fate of (name). Their life belongs to me. May (name) see no pleasure or profit from their life or endeavors unless I deem it so."
Tips & Warnings
* If you can sew, a simple voodoo doll can be made by simply stitching two pieces of fabric together and drawing on the face. Voodoo dolls can bring things to you, but they can also take things away. To make a person go away, attach something from them (hair, clothing, nail clippings) and pin it to the doll.
* Be careful what you wish for.
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